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How it began


The concept was conceived in Switzerland when hotelier, Andy Hostettler, observed the irregular edge of the Säntis Mountains (a part of the Alps) etched against the sky.

The sharp peaks reminded him of the edge of a knife and so the PanoramaKnife story began.


Designed and developed were these Knives in the small town of Ermatingen on the Lake of Constance in Switzerland and are handcrafted by a family of knife makers in Premana, Northern Italy.


And so it happened that Andy brought some of his new Swiss Panorama knives to a braai (BBQ) that we attended in Ermatingen.

These knives caught everyone’s attention, including two South African cousins at the braai. The Swiss are as passionate about their mountains, and the Capetonians love their Table Mountain. 

It did not take much time to beg the question… What about a Table Mountain Knife? So a deal was struck with Andy and here you are holding "the answer", that story and that shared memory, in your hand.


We invite you to try it, and to delight at the efficiency of this blade. Could it be that the Panorama of Table Mountain and the Twelve Apostles is more than just a magnificent silhouette?

Thank you Andy!!


Panorama Knife (PTY) Ltd.

Reg. No.: 2015/086054/07

8001 Cape Town

South Africa

PanoramaKnife Cape Town
© Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved

Design & Realisation by Daniel Simoleit

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